Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Claimed

I feel it within me.
This light, this love, this anointing.
I claim it, I sang it, I just br br brang it.
It spins me, it turns me, it rocks me to my core.
I pound it, I bound it, when it knocked upon my door.
It's vital.
It pulses, it bleeds, I truely truely need!
It's suicidal.
The death, the breath, the filth of its sin.
It's bred, it's fed, like tonic to the gin.
It fights, it reunites, it trys to claim me once more.
I am not Satan's whore!
He took me, He shook me, He washed my Scarlet shore.
No traces of the flood, it's washed away and replaced with love.
It flew, it fluttered, it was the symbol, it was the dove
No longer tarnished, silver shines once again.
The Destroyer may keep coming but he mustn't mustn't win.
For the Makers been my Taker,He's set me free.
The chains have been released you see.
Scars remain, to remind me of my pain.
I see them everyday, where my wrist were bound as I kneel to pray.

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