Friday, October 14, 2011


"Eh hemm" (clears throat).

Tap, tap, tap (annoying back feed from the mic).

"Is this thing on, is anybody out there?"

Let's out deep sigh, "I wondered if you'd make it."

I feel like the lights are blaring and everyone is looking at me, the sweat is starting to drip down to my brow and my palms are all clammy.

"Man, this is overwhelming. I apologize. I, ah, forgot my cue cards." I laugh a nervous laugh and tug at my collar, AH! Where is my collar? I try to look down without it being obvious. Oh, No. How did I even acquire this outfit? Cowboy boots, Little Bo-Peep smock and dress and whats this, I reach up to the heavy thing on my head. A helmet. My eyes burned and I felt the intense heat as my cheeks about ignited all on their own.

"Well this is not how I planned this." The audience remained dry for a moment, then the uproar of laughter began and increased through the crowd. People started to cheer. A standing O waved through the people and the whistles screamed out as random objects flew at the stage. I am a hit! But how, I didn't do anything, I didn't even deserve this. Yet here they are acting as if I am amazing.I am no genius, heck I forgot my cards and wore some hodgepodge mess of Halloween attire.

"Thank you all, really. This is much more than I deserve." As I said it, the crowd just cheered more. I am flabbergasted!

So poor organization and a mix match of the strange and bizarre seem to be what the people like. Heck, I can give them that!

"A warm welcome to all of you as you enter...enjoy the ride."

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